Interface AreaEffectCloud

All Superinterfaces:
CommandSender, Entity, Metadatable, Nameable, Permissible, PersistentDataHolder, ServerOperator

public interface AreaEffectCloud extends Entity
Represents an area effect cloud which will imbue a potion effect onto entities which enter it.
  • Method Details

    • getDuration

      int getDuration()
      Gets the duration which this cloud will exist for (in ticks).
      cloud duration
    • setDuration

      void setDuration(int duration)
      Sets the duration which this cloud will exist for (in ticks).
      duration - cloud duration
    • getWaitTime

      int getWaitTime()
      Gets the time which an entity has to be exposed to the cloud before the effect is applied.
      wait time
    • setWaitTime

      void setWaitTime(int waitTime)
      Sets the time which an entity has to be exposed to the cloud before the effect is applied.
      waitTime - wait time
    • getReapplicationDelay

      int getReapplicationDelay()
      Gets the time that an entity will be immune from subsequent exposure.
      reapplication delay
    • setReapplicationDelay

      void setReapplicationDelay(int delay)
      Sets the time that an entity will be immune from subsequent exposure.
      delay - reapplication delay
    • getDurationOnUse

      int getDurationOnUse()
      Gets the amount that the duration of this cloud will decrease by when it applies an effect to an entity.
      duration on use delta
    • setDurationOnUse

      void setDurationOnUse(int duration)
      Sets the amount that the duration of this cloud will decrease by when it applies an effect to an entity.
      duration - duration on use delta
    • getRadius

      float getRadius()
      Gets the initial radius of the cloud.
    • setRadius

      void setRadius(float radius)
      Sets the initial radius of the cloud.
      radius - radius
    • getRadiusOnUse

      float getRadiusOnUse()
      Gets the amount that the radius of this cloud will decrease by when it applies an effect to an entity.
      radius on use delta
    • setRadiusOnUse

      void setRadiusOnUse(float radius)
      Sets the amount that the radius of this cloud will decrease by when it applies an effect to an entity.
      radius - radius on use delta
    • getRadiusPerTick

      float getRadiusPerTick()
      Gets the amount that the radius of this cloud will decrease by each tick.
      radius per tick delta
    • setRadiusPerTick

      void setRadiusPerTick(float radius)
      Gets the amount that the radius of this cloud will decrease by each tick.
      radius - per tick delta
    • getParticle

      @NotNull Particle getParticle()
      Gets the particle which this cloud will be composed of
      particle the set particle type
    • setParticle

      void setParticle(@NotNull Particle particle)
      Sets the particle which this cloud will be composed of
      particle - the new particle type
    • setParticle

      <T> void setParticle(@NotNull Particle particle, @Nullable T data)
      Sets the particle which this cloud will be composed of
      Type Parameters:
      T - type of particle data (see Particle.getDataType()
      particle - the new particle type
      data - the data to use for the particle or null, the type of this depends on Particle.getDataType()
    • setBasePotionType

      void setBasePotionType(@Nullable PotionType type)
      Sets the underlying potion type
      type - PotionType to set the base potion state to
    • getBasePotionType

      @Nullable PotionType getBasePotionType()
      Returns the potion type about the base potion
      a PotionType object
    • hasCustomEffects

      boolean hasCustomEffects()
      Checks for the presence of custom potion effects.
      true if custom potion effects are applied
    • getCustomEffects

      @NotNull List<PotionEffect> getCustomEffects()
      Gets an immutable list containing all custom potion effects applied to this cloud.

      Plugins should check that hasCustomEffects() returns true before calling this method.

      the immutable list of custom potion effects
    • addCustomEffect

      boolean addCustomEffect(@NotNull PotionEffect effect, boolean overwrite)
      Adds a custom potion effect to this cloud.
      effect - the potion effect to add
      overwrite - true if any existing effect of the same type should be overwritten
      true if the effect was added as a result of this call
    • removeCustomEffect

      boolean removeCustomEffect(@NotNull PotionEffectType type)
      Removes a custom potion effect from this cloud.
      type - the potion effect type to remove
      true if the an effect was removed as a result of this call
    • hasCustomEffect

      boolean hasCustomEffect(@Nullable PotionEffectType type)
      Checks for a specific custom potion effect type on this cloud.
      type - the potion effect type to check for
      true if the potion has this effect
    • clearCustomEffects

      void clearCustomEffects()
      Removes all custom potion effects from this cloud.
    • getColor

      @NotNull Color getColor()
      Gets the color of this cloud. Will be applied as a tint to its particles.
      cloud color
    • setColor

      void setColor(@NotNull Color color)
      Sets the color of this cloud. Will be applied as a tint to its particles.
      color - cloud color
    • getSource

      @Nullable ProjectileSource getSource()
      Retrieve the original source of this cloud.
      the ProjectileSource that threw the LingeringPotion
    • setSource

      void setSource(@Nullable ProjectileSource source)
      Set the original source of this cloud.
      source - the ProjectileSource that threw the LingeringPotion